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What's your advice to grill in winter?

What's your advice to grill in winter?


Do you grill through winter? 

What's your tips to grill in winter to make sure the food is cooked well?

Share your ideas and see what other people think about them! 




I grill all year round. I move my grills into the garage and open the door and turn a fan on to blow smoke outside. I like to eat fresh grilled steaks, burgers and tuna steak in the winter months because hot, hearty food warms up the whole body and satisfies. Can’t go wrong.


Since it gets dark early in the winter time, I always make sure I have plenty of light and will use temporary lighting attached to the hood or have lanterns at my disposal so I can actually see what I’m cooking!
Rid Francisco ,

If possible, then move the grill under an overhang or awning. Start cooking earlier in the day to take advantage of the sunlight. Dress warm. Keep track of time that the meat is on the grill. Go in and out of the house based upon the time spent on the grill. Warm up the plate(s) on which you bring in the meat. Cover the meat and plate with aluminum foil.


Definitely move the grill closer to the door. Remote thermometer to keep an eye on the cooking without having to constantly check the temperature in person. Allow a little extra time for the cold temperature around the grill. Start the grill a little bit earlier so the food is done when you’re ready for it.

Jim Botelle,

PREHEAT grill and adjust the heat according to outside temps. Not a bad idea to use a probe thermometer as outsides temps may make the grill thermometer off from outside temps affecting the read out of the actual inside temps of the grill.


Once the grill is hot place your items quickly, when it warms up again turn the heat down a little to prevent flames. Try to not open the grill many times as you will lose heat very quickly.
Gregory Parker,

I just put extra charcoal on the grill.

Michael Davis,

Dress warm, make sure you have plenty of beer, and allow for longer cooking times in extreme cold weather. Relax and enjoy

Sean ,

It has to be pretty cold for beer to freeze, especially if it’s higher ABV. Beer slushies are a unique experience however.

Remodel your gas grill old school with lava rock so you don’t lose all the heat every time you open it. You need an expanding grate to fit and more lava rock than you expect. Amazon has lava rock for fire tables and such.

We use oak branches to grill with. Allow time to get a good bed of white hot coals.

Just bring the grill inside and cook indoors when it’s cold out! LOL

I’d recommend to keep the grill as close to the door as possible if you have it outside, but for sure depending on the temperature how low it is do not put that much coal/fire. Because what it could cause is for the food to get burned but not cooked inside.
Sam ,

Get one of those vacuum-insulated can coozies. They keep your beer from freezing when you’re grilling outside.

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