1. Preheat your grill to 500°F.
2. Season the burger patties with Monument Grills Texas Beef Rub.
3. Insert the temperature probes into the burger patties and place directly on the grill grates.
4. Use the Monument Grills app to set the target temperature of the cook.
5. While the burgers are cooking, place a medium skillet on the grill grates. Add oil, peppers, and onions. Saute until softened.
6. Once the internal temperature of the burgers reaches 145°F, flip the burgers and move towards the Rear Infrared Burner. Start up the Rear Infrared Burner on High.
7. Top the burger patties with a slice of yellow american cheese, followed by the peppers and onions, and then finally a slice of white american cheese.
8. Continue cooking until the desired internal temp is reached and the cheese has melted.
9. If desired, toast your buns directly on the grill grates until desired doneness.
10. Remove from the grill and assemble the burger on a bun.